Rika Cossey

Latest Past Events

Creating a better tomorrow – Zero-waste


Living without producing waste sounds perfect. Understand what you are doing and question if you are comfortable with it.   What is this workshop all about? Living zero waste is one of those buzzwords and the picture-perfect world on social media. In this workshop, we look at the ‘behind-the-scenes’ of zero waste living and what […]

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Creating a better tomorrow – Plastic-free


Let's talk 'plastic' - where it shows up in your life, how you can avoid it, and if you really can live a plastic-free life.   What is this workshop all about? Plastic has become the spearhead of a movement against environmental devastation. Plastic waste is as one of the major problems of our times. […]

by donation

Creating a better tomorrow – Minimalistic


Create space to breathe by knowing what you need. Learn about the importance of white space for your decision making.   What is this workshop all about? In order to make any changes in life, you will need space to make that change. And that space is often not available. During this workshop, you will […]

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